Get In Touch And Say Hi!
Hi! Jingeri Namaste Ni Hao Ciao Hola Konnichiwa Sa-wat-dee Bonjour Guten Tag As-salam alaykum Bula
Don’t be scared! Cross the bridge and come and say Hi.
While I’m not always somewhere there is internet, if I’m out of range you will see a notification below.
Otherwise, you can assume I will get back to you within a day usually. I’d love to hear your own travel stories, tips or tricks and if you would like to be featured on my blog, please let me know the what, where and why of your proposed story.
I’ve had to turn off my form due to a massive amount of spam, but please use any of the social platforms below to send me a message or use the little square box to use that electronic postage facility (kind of like mail but digital). I’m scared to even say the word at present! Seriously the spam has been that bad!
Don’t be a stranger!
Home at present.
Miami, Gold Coast, Australia
What’s Next?
My sister Sue and I are heading to Europe in August to walk the Portuguese Camino. We are planning on doing the coastal route with the Spiritual varient. We are both very excited however we are carrying injuries that may mean we take longer than we would like. Cest La Vie – it is what it is yes?